New Life Spirit Recovery Treatment Center

What is New Life Spirit Recovery?

New Life is a professional treatment center located in Huntington Beach, CA.  We like to think of New Life Spirit Recovery as a spiritual hospital for those that will benefit from an intense treatment approach for a season in a loving, comfortable, grace-based atmosphere. Programs include addiction abuse, codependence, and co-occurring (substance abuse with mental health diagnosis).

Is New Life part of Spirit of Life Recovery?

New Life Spirit Recovery is a separate operation but it is run by the Director of Spirit of Life. In fact, Spirit of Life was established to be the sister ministry of that organization. Spirit of Life seeks to assist with a variety of emotional and spiritual needs as well as community resources; New Life Spirit Recovery is a treatment program that offers a variety of treatment options that include an invite to stay as a guest in our “guest house” for those in full-day treatment. They serve two different needs.

Does New Life Spirit Recovery charge for a program?

Yes, New Life Spirit Recovery is state certified program and uses licensed and/or certified clinical staff. Our fees are affordable, beginning at $8,800 for 30-day programs. This is extremely intensive care with a variety of treatment options from counseling to full-day schedules.  Those entering full-day treatment are offered an option to stay in our safe, structured “guest house”.  We strongly encourage scouting out the professional programs that have a Christian name, and we believe you’ll discover that we are priced extremely low with a solid and proven track record of lives transformed. Not only that, our intensive individual counseling approach cannot be matched – and we believe this is where the depths of true freedom occurs within the framework of a program.

How can I get more information?

Visit our website at or call our hotline at 866.543.3361.

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Learn more by visiting our website or call 866.543.3361


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