Restoration Counseling

Emotionally Healthy & Spiritually Strong

When our lives and relationships break down, we can feel out of touch with God’s promises and His purposes. Rather than thrive, we can feel that we are simply trying to survive life’s turmoil. Whether you had an abusive past, a difficult marriage, an addiction or addiction within the family, or struggle with your own chronic hurts, you can be set free and aligned with God’s plan and purposes for your life, no matter where you’ve beenwhat you’ve done or what others have done to you.

We counsel men and women through a redemptive formula that seeks answers from the past, but a focus on the future. Using both practical and spiritual tools, clients are walked through a self-confrontation process that helps identify patterns of behavior, including addiction, codependency, self-sufficiency, anger and many other emotional and spiritual conditions of the heart.

We’ve counseling thousands of people who have come to realize that they can’t do this alone.

Please note: if you have problems accessing the counseling form, please contact us directly at [email protected] or [email protected]. Check your SPAM or add our domain as “safe” to be sure you receive our communication! 

Some of the help we provide includes: 


  • Codependence
  • Trauma of the heart (we do not treat with a medical approach)
  • Abuse cycles (domestic violence may require additional resources)
  • Spiritual conflict
  • Emotional struggles
  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of personal identity
  • Problems setting boundaries
  • Guilt, shame and unforgiveness
  • Lack of direction for the future
  • Unresolved pain
  • Marital problems
  • Addiction and compulsive issues (sex, porn, substance abuse, etc.

What does the process involve? 

We ask that people apply for counseling services to access our availability. Once you apply, you’ll be contacted by a counselor who will instruct you how to prepare for your session. You will fill out some forms, which are used with the strictest confidentiality. Typically, counseling lasts for 12 sessions, but it could be more. We will be using your life story to develop a specific treatment plan.

Is this Christ-centered counseling? 

We are fully committed to restoring connections – to God, self and other people. The only way to truly accomplish that is to  allow the Spirit of God to administer to the heart, and to find grounding in God’s Word. The revelation of the power of grace is what facilitates all healing. We use professional protocols and “real world language” too. But we believe that the Holy Spirit must be at the center of the equation for true change to take place. He can restore us and heal us from the inside out, not the outside in. 

Are there any requirements? 

Yes, we ask that you attend your sessions as scheduled, typically weekly, and are willing to participate in assigned projects. There are some medications that interfere with the counseling process, and we therefore need to assess your overall health and medication needs to decide if this is a good fit.

Does this work? 

Yes! We have helped thousands through counseling and workshops throughout the years who have experienced healing and change. You only need to bring a willingness to participate, and a desire to receive the healing God offers! This process works because God is faithful to His Word and He is present in our lives, even if we can’t feel it. We of course offer no guarantees. It would be misguided to do so, as no counseling or therapy process can offer a specific outcome. This is partnership – the client with the counselor connecting together with the Holy Spirit. 

Can I afford this? Do you accept insurance?

Spirit of Life Recovery operates through donations on a sliding scale basis. For our counseling services, we do require an application process in order to accommodate a scholarship based on what you can afford. We don’t accept insurance as payment tor services offered. Our sliding scale ranges from $65-$125 

Is this professional counseling? 

Our counselors operate through our ministry as licensed clinical chaplains, but are also state-certified professional counselors. Many of our counselors also counsel in professional treatment settings as well. They do this ministry out of a love and passion to see men and women get set free.

Where is the counseling held? 

We are an online counseling program with the opportunity for onsite intensives when available. Our on-site office is located in Temecula, CA and is limited to availability. If you are in the Temecula Valley and want in person counseling, contact [email protected] or [email protected]

How can I apply? 

To learn more or apply for counseling services, please click here

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