About Us
We believe that because Jesus overcame the cross; He can overcome anything.
Spirit of Life Recovery is a 501 c-3 designed to support the local church. Our ministries reflect areas of specialization and training pertaining to crisis, specifically as that relates to the presence of addiction, heart injuries, emotional challenges and other self-sabotaging behaviors. Our restoration focus is meant to both inject solution and offer insight as to God’s heart in bandaging wounds, reconciling relationships and dealing with the harsher realities of addiction and boundaries. From both a spiritual perspective and practical tools, our goal in everything we do is to bring Jesus into overwhelming circumstances in a tangible way where He can do what He does best: redeem.
Our Mission
All ministries and churches founded by the Lord Jesus have a unique purpose and mission. Our ministry and vision includes:
To offer the truth-based, spirit-led message of hope, healing and restoration through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to people who are hurting and in need of relational and personal healing.
To offer the tools to gain life long healing and deliverance from all forms of heart injuries and self-destructive behaviors; bringing those tools into the church to edify, strengthen and build.
To take our message and testimony of freedom to the community, church and beyond.
Our Beliefs
Spirit of Life Recovery serves a variety of people with different denominational backgrounds. We believe what unites us is the focus we place on accessing and being delivered by the authentic and real Jesus. With that said, we understand that people want to know our heart and overall driving beliefs. Here are the ones we feel are most vital to define who we are what we do:
We believe the bible is the inspired Word of God and has all the answers and solutions to our problems pertaining to our spirit and soul (mind, will and emotions).
We believe that mankind is born separated from God and hopelessly lost and in need of a Savior
We believe that God’s remedy for that separation comes through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through repentance and confession of sin whereby we receive God’s forgiveness and free gift of salvation.
We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God; fully God and fully man, incarnate in human form in order to take on flesh and pay the penalty for our sin.
We believe that salvation is based on God’s grace towards us, there is nothing we can do to earn it
We believe that when we ask Jesus Christ into our heart through confession, repentance and the receiving of the gift of salvation, we are eternally secured – we can at no point lose our salvation based on what we do, or what we don’t do.
We believe we can suffer loss and experience a life of “hell on earth” when we do not submit our will to God’s will, even if we are a professing believer. The consequence of sin is very real.
We believe that change and a lifestyle of godliness is a process. God can deliver us instantly from some forms of bondage, but most of our lifelong change will happen over time, not instantly. Much of this process comes as we replace lies of the Enemy with God’s truth by renewing our mind. This is known biblically as sanctification.
We believe that a believer is indwelled with the Holy Spirit and has the power to overcome sinful strongholds.
We believe that it is important to understand the nature of spiritual warfare in order to equip ourselves to effectively defeat the enemy (Satan) – utilizing God’s tools and resources.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the true counselor and teacher. He does the work of healing – revealing to us the things in our life that need to be changed, restored or grieved. While psychology can help to assess human conditions within the soul, it has absolutely no solution to resolve and change the human heart.
We believe that God gave us both spiritual gifts and natural gifts so we could fulfill a God-given and divine purpose and destiny, which is unique and was purposed by Him before the beginning of time. We believe that while this lifetime is important, it is a preparation for our final destination in the Kingdom of Heaven.