Introduction to Codependence Workshop

Webinar Video: (You can watch the full size by  pressing play, clicking the “share” button and then clicking “download”)

[wpvideo FOjkYIra]

Download Notes:

To download class notes,click here


Welcome!!! I’m blessed and excited to have met you and engaged in our first class! It is a wild ride, but one worth having. I pray that you can strap on your seat belt, lean back and let the journey emerge as God intends. While this is a “process”, God is in control. He works individually and meticulously to personalize this and help us gain access to the needs and areas of healing that are required.

Whether you are on-site or on webinar, our prayer is that you feel included and called by God to begin the journey towards freedom. We all have to begin somewhere, so today we focused upon the theme of freedom versus bondage. Understanding where we are right now is imperative and influential as to what steps are necessary to be taken to bring us from where we have been to where God wants to bring us. Our own “Egypt” entails a set of circumstances and situations that are unique. But the basic concept of living in bondage applies to each of us. The question is…..are you ready to be released and will you let God have His way?

I have a tremendous vantage point. You may see the mountain before you, but I’ve seen the other side: not only in my life but in the lives of hundreds of others. And because of that, I’m here to coach, encourage and edify. By myself, I do not have much to offer. But in Him, I am positive and confident that the mountain can be conquered in Jesus name.


I will blog in this format each week and post it under the proper class. You have the choice to watch webinar or audio.


Access information will remain the same, and therefore you can jump to the home page and click the appropriate links each week.


Please read Chapter 1 and answer the questions. We will be breaking into groups next week! On-line will have a discussion group just as our on-site groups experience. We have some handy features on the webinar that will assist in this transition.

Next live webinar:

Tuesday, October 28th at 10:30 am

12 thoughts on “Introduction to Codependence Workshop”

  1. Thank you! Could I remain on the email list for the teachings each week. I didn’t receive one for this week oct 28. Thanks!

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. Thank you! Could I remain on the email list for the teachings each week. I didn’t receive one for this week oct 28. Thanks!

    Sent from my iPhone


  3. I am watching online would love to be in the class, could I start late, is there space left?

    1. Hi Teri! Are you local in the Huntington Beach area? I believe they are on Chapter 5 this week – let me know and I’ll send over some information. There is no space to register, but I can ask the teacher, Lynne.

  4. I am watching online would love to be in the class, could I start late, is there space left?

    1. Hi Teri! Are you local in the Huntington Beach area? I believe they are on Chapter 5 this week – let me know and I’ll send over some information. There is no space to register, but I can ask the teacher, Lynne.

  5. Hi! Will you have a workshop in the Fall 2015 that is during the day?
    Would love to join! Read the book and started a group but my evening schedule is not flexible bc family.

    1. Stephanie Tucker

      Hi Sharon! Unfortunately, I can’t run daytime workshops any longer because of on-site parking constraints. We may consider running workshops for online only, however. In the Fall we’ll be running a new type of event, not just he workshops on Friday nights. Keep checking in and you’ll see updated posted! As always, we do offer one-on-one counseling if you want to go through that process in more detail with a professional counselor. Many blessings to you!

  6. I cannot tell you what a blessing this workshop has been. When my pastor told me to forget about the marriage problems and just take time to work on my codependency, I was at a loss. First of all, I had no idea that I was codependent. Second of all, where could I go to get help.

    I sat down and asked God to lead me to His help. He led me here. I’ve been through the book and all the videos but I am snagged on the forgiveness chapter. Slowly it is happening but I know that I am still in the wilderness. I feel a little like the spies who went into the city and reported there were giants in the land….they missed the blessings God had for them because their fear kept them from fully trusting where God was leading. I’ve seen so much healing already but the next steps are scary so I guess that means I’m wandering a few more days. It’s not that I won’t forgive, it’s that I have had to let Jesus reveal some of what I have pushed back….way back.

    Thank you for lovingly teaching of the Word – that Jesus has already freed me – and that each step, by faith, toward Him is a step closer to the promised land.

  7. Hi i’m in Melbourne Australia and have just discovered this site and webinar/workshop on line.
    I would love to interact with you as i watch each session and work through the material. Is that possible at the moment?

    1. Hi there! I’m so glad you found us! We won’t be having a live group in the Fall, but keep checking back. I recommend a one-on-one process – that will go through the workbook but personalize it and take it a little more deep! Many blessings to you!

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