Chapter 8: Assessing Intimacy Styles
Please note: We are using a webinar recording from 2013 that has different technology. To watch the webinar you will need a flash supported device. This recording may no longer be available in the future.
Chapter 8 will help us to define intimacy in our own lives. As we spend some time evaluating our “Outer Courts”, we can begin to assess how we used friendships, activities, things, and other relationships to oftentimes deal with what was wasn’t working in the “Inner Court”. What’s most important right now is to simply see and be aware – not necessarily attempt to make any adjustments.
The charts in the workbook are very important, as we can interpret what we we’ve learned and begin to chart out how our own rooms may appear. That’s because the next phase is where we are going to start re-aligning each room into its proper position,and apply a spiritual remedy.
If only it were as simple as drawing a chart to heal deep woundedness. Obviously, it’s not. Some of you may need deeper assistance. If you feel overwhelmed, seek out support. Never obligate yourself to a human process unless God has authorized it. But at the same time, don’t let the enemy steal a blessing from you. Remember, emotional and spiritual healing require time, and oftentimes don’t occur through “zaps”. Thus, we must be cautious not to get overwhelmed by a feeling of needing to change right now. God is willing, able and ready to begin to heal our relational rooms. Some will require more resources than others, but whatever the situation, God’s grace IS sufficient! That’s the journey- a house that grace, not effort, built.
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To view webinar recording, click here