Chapter 12: Cleaning the Rooms of Marriage

Marriage is no small topic, and we can hardly cover all the elements involved. However, this class takes a peek in a restoration process either initiated in our own heart, or eventually shared with our partner. Marriage is dreamed up in the heart of God as a method of portraying His covenant – thus it deserves tender care. However, when marriages are injured, when spouses are absent, when violations occur, the wounding is profound. We will look at redemptive principles in healing marriage to use as an overlay in our own situations. This may only offer a glimpse into additional resources you may need. However, we have found over the years that the best gift offered in marriage happens when we are willing to clean our own heart that houses a marriage. If you are recovering from a broken marriage, God has a method to heal you. And if you are single, watch out! God’s love wishes to captivate you and bring you into a place where you will not ever settle for anyone but His best. After all, we are first married to King Jesus. Are you ready to venture into the room of marriage? Please join us!

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Chapter 12 Updated AHTGB 18


Father God,

Show me the redemption by which you sought marriage to me. Show me the heart you have towards my marriage or the hurt you know I carry deep within. Only you can fill the place in my heart that has been improperly loved or has been wounded by marriage. Just the same, only you can strengthen the marriage I have as it is, or show me how to give grace and set boundaries. Help me to cling to your truths, to walk in your ways, to let you reveal and to cleanse my heart with your integrity. Go before me – show me – lead me – restore me for your purpose.

In Jesus name – Amen


We will look into the the rooms of our children – meaning the children we birthed or adopted.  If you aren’t a parent, use this to understand yourself as a child. And if you believe you will be a parent in the future, it’s very beneficial. Remember, we are hopeful, we are asking for grace to redeem our hearts, and we are placing our lives into an eternal purpose.

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