Family workbook cover.indd


Week 1: Facing Addiction

We will look at the nature of addiction and how it brings a person into bondage in the body, soul and spirit. Four Chapters will be covered.

Families in Recovery Week 1 Materials 

Download Handouts

Watch recording


Week 2: Families in Addiction

Chapter 5 through 7 revised with roles

Presentation Download Week 2

Watch recording

This next week we will be covering how the family system can adapt around the addiction in unhealthy ways. This helps us see how everyone is involved, even if in an indirect way. We are also going to cover the topic of intervention, with exact steps on how to begin to orchestrate that process.


Week 3: Recovery and the Adjustments to Change
The next two weeks will be packed full of the solution and the redemption side of the process. It will also address some of the real life challenges that are experienced by families dealing with addiction and recovery. By both the addict and family members learning to understand each other, it begins to establish an environment that will be conducive to redemption.  This week we’ll look at the process of recovery, as well as how the addict’s recovery affects the family system.

Download chapter 8 to 10

Watch recording for Week 3


Week 4: Reconciliation and Family Planning

This last week is by far the most important! It takes the learning process and places it into a formula that can be used in a practical way. However, without this background, the planning process itself would not work. Chapters 11 and 12 inject the hope of change, portray the reality of challenges, and offer the opportunity for family’s to begin a healthy dialogue of expectations, boundaries, and needs. Our deep desire and prayer is that this tool will assist in a process that comes with confusion, hurt, anger and sometimes despair. We cannot impose these principles, but we can offer and highlight the redemptive nature of God’s heart. As God’s children, we have access to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords and the power of His resources.

Download Chapter 11 and 12

Watch recording


Thank you so much for joining us for the upcoming workshop! This is a pre-release of our soon to be published material on Christian Families in Recovery. We are very excited to introduce you to this process. My husband and I (this is Stephanie) have been teaching to family members of our treatment clients with the help of our staff for many years. Recently, we also began to teach a monthly class to families at the Salvation Army in Anaheim, CA. The stories and heartbreak families bear always pains us. Yet when the addict is receiving help and the family members are on the sideline, some very difficult challenges arise. There is such a great need for everyone to receive help and support.

While we have had a family program at our center for years, we have wanted to produce a program and resources that are more comprehensive. The development of this material has taken over five years to complete. But it is based on the factual and real trauma families face, as well the difficult dynamics that prevent healing and lifelong recovery. Most important, this is packed full of the marvelous reality of redemption! Yes, God can!

We’ve witnessed transformation, marriages redeemed and lives completely pulled out from the ashes and made new. We’ve also witnessed tragedy, death and the ending of marriages as a result of addiction or the lack of understanding about recovery. I wish we could provide the guarantee that everyone will get well, but we simply cannot. This journey is not to simply declare that we have the “know how” to fix your life. We do not. Rather, we have a powerful God who has the tools that carry us from the difficulty of addiction, to the place of peace and wholeness. But your choice and willingness to come along will determine the results.

If you aren’t sure, just poke around and see if God moves you. Right now, we are giving this material to you free of charge. It is protected by copyright and we ask that you do not reproduce it! However, you can print it out for your own use! Also, it is pre-edited, which means there will be grammar and other editorial changes that will be made before it comes out in book format.

God’s blessings and grace be upon you!

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