Chapter 17: Securing Inner Courts

We will look at the fundamental purpose of honor, respect, boundaries and conflict resolution in our human relationships. This is the most practical of any of the work we do in this process because it is what is happening around us on a daily basis. There are many different tools you can use in your workbook that coincide with this class – it is really up to you to pick and choose what might be appropriate. While in some ways the development of boundaries can seem “hard” or complex, in truth, the journey of healing will allow this area of our heart to develop naturally. There is no “to do” list – it’s a process of growth and transformation that takes place in our internal word.

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Chapter 17 Outline Notes


Father – expose to me the boundaries of my heart. Show me how I interact and the reason I struggle with relational conflict. Help me to identify and express my needs in relationships. Lead me to pathways of solutions through the tool of honor. Help me to grieve what I have lost, to change what I can, and to allow you into each and every decision.

In Jesus name – Amen

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