Chapter 18: External Gates

The adventure of life in Jesus brings unfathomable joy and security. It is what every human being longs for, whether or not they are aware. While God offers us the gift of acceptance, redemption and wisdom, He gives back to us the ability to make choices. Our choices are what pave the course of our future. Most of us think surrender means Jesus makes our decision. We think He’ll tell us exactly what to do in every situation. While certainly He will guide us in vital life decisions, more often than not He empowers us to learn how to make that choices in the moment. Our maturity allows us to make better choices. But it will not come without mistakes. We must learn how God works in the area of discerning His will, and knowing how He guides. But most of all, knowing how He weaves everything together for our good, and His glory. We do not put pressure on our human decisions. We stay surrendered. We believe wrong decisions will be re-routed. We trust in the peace that drives us. We learn and remain humble. These are the tools to accessing the mysteries of God’s glorious future for our lives.


Chapter 18 Notes

Chapter 18 Graphic


Father God,

While I trust you to guide me, you trust me to make decisions. I need you every minute and moment. Empower me to be wise. Show me your heart. Give me confidence to move freely in your will, knowing you can redirect me when and if necessary. Make me humble, yet strong. Week in my personal agendas, but powerful in Your Kingdom.

Prepare me, use, guide, love me so I can complete the will you have ordained for my life.

In Jesus name – Amen


Relapse Prevention & Character Development

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