Nurturing Connection (Chapter 19 Resources)

As we prepare to conclude this book, I want to offer you a more in depth understanding of maintaining, growing, preventing relapse and learning from failure. I want to also talk to you about developing character and learning self care.  I have found through my own life experience and watching those around me walk this process out that this deeper level of information is helpful. It’s something I refer to continually as I seek to understand God’s purposes, and not fall prey to deceit.

I don’t know about you, but from my perspective, life is simply too short to waste. I want to remain connected, I want to know that God is always producing something, even in those seasons where I can’t see an inch ahead of me. Please be encouraged, inspired and know that the work God has begun will be concluded in His timing and His way! But it will be tested. It will be refined. It will sometimes feel hard pressed and overwhelming. But it all part of a bigger and more glorious design.

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Week 19 Notes AHTGB


Father God,

I stretch my arms to you and ask for the capacity to breath, to take in your truth and to release back to you my human frailty. I seek to know you deeper, to learn your heart, and to let my Master and my Healer prune me and purify me. Secure my heart to you – during the mountains and seasons of prosperity – and when I feel discouraged and burdened. Set the pace of my growth according to your goals, and not my own idea of what that should look like. Remind me of my heart – and keep my heart from being disillusioned or wrongly influenced. I desire to become the fullness of my design. I want to grow in character, in strength, in power and in purposes and plans you have for me.

In Jesus name – Amen.

Next week: 

Week 20! This is our LAST week! This will be a 2-hour class depending on shares. That’s because I want to hear from you, and I would like this day to be set aside for testimonials once we finish the class. In our on-site classes, we do a party, a meal or just a more intimate time of fellowship. So I want that same effect online – please settle in, listen and also let us pray over each and every person who shares. I hope you can be there! It is Veterans Day, but we will meet nonetheless.


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