Chapter 4: The Power of Connection

As we begin to shift our focus in the area of relationships, we are going to look at the power of connection. Connection holds the power to overcome all problems, all brokenness and to absorb all the needs we carry. But it isn’t connection through a person that first provides the remedy – it’s through our Lord. The problem is that we house faulty attachments that take up precious space in our heart.

In this chapter we began to assess our relationships. We looked at the nature of a soul tie, and what ingredients are distributed when we connect to another human being. When we have wrongful soul ties, it can make us internally sick, and rob the God designed purposes for our life and relationships. That’s why it’s vital we take a deeper look inside our hearts. Who holds power to speak into us, to captivate our emotions, to hold spiritual authority, or to participate in a sexual relationship (past or present)? These relationships don’t need to be thrown out, but they need to be understood as we prepare to disconnect from those things that harm us, and to properly connect in the ways that God has ordained.

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Father God,

Please help me to see and understand the connections I have made –  which are healthy, and which are harmful. Expose to me the status of my heart – and when and where I have allowed wrongful influences. I ask that you prepare to purify me in such a way where I have wisdom to know how to handle each relationship – and that I don’t act in a rushed manner to fix what I see broken, but that I wait for Your healing.

In Jesus name – Amen 

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