Chapter 3: The Framework of Growth

 Introduction |  Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20

Throughout the Bible, we witness two processes of the heart. First, people are being touched by God in profound and miraculous ways. And then, people are gradually and meticulously transformed through growth. Growth is easy to grasp in a physical sense, but much more difficult when dealing with the internal issues in our soul (mind, will and emotions). The truth is that many of us lost out on healthy growth, and are waiting for the grand momentum of the breakthrough to fix what is broken. Breakthroughs can happen – think of a seed – it will break out of its shell in one grand entrance. But long-term, it is growth that enables that plant to thrive and prosper. My prayer is that you experience breakthrough that will enable you to grow up in God’s grace.  In every sense, God wants to re-parent our heart, re-teach us to think, feel and respond to life through His heart and in His strength. That makes this a journey, not a marathon. But the lasting value – the long-term fruit – is more than worth the wait.

Powerpoint Downloads:

Chapter 3 Notes (Outline) 

Chapter 3 Notes (Graphic)


Father God,

Growth is something that feels impossible – the building project of my life is messy; picking and sifting through it one piece at a time is an overwhelming task. I ask that you interject your heart into my situation – provide breakthroughs in the moment to encourage me. Provide long-term growth to enable me to be transformed. I pray for humility to change the things that need to be changed, and the strength to release those things that I cannot control. I ask that I become like a child – that my heart would be able to see you as Father God – and that you could re-teach, re-parent as you see fit. Help me, heal me, lead me, enable me to walk with you, through your eyes, in synch with your purposes.

In Jesus name – Amen.

Next week: 

We will look at Chapter 4 on Soul Ties.  This is an intense principle – as we look at how human relationships merge together with spiritual conditions. The soul tie itself can be prayed over – but the deeper work of healing is what breaks the long-term power and effects. This is only the beginning of an entire process. If you have questions or get stuck, don’t hesitate to let me know.

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