Living Free Institute Training

Receive professional, Christian credentials

Empowered Learning for Life

Learn more about the professional and ministry credentials we offer. Living Free Institute is an educational provider for The Association of Christian Drug & Alcohol, a state certified provider for a drug and alcohol treatment professional certificate.  

Certified Life Recovery Coach

Designed for Codependence & Family Ministry

A new coaching program will allow you to learn how to support family members and those suffering from relational breakdowns. The emphasis of this training will be healing, codependence and spiritual solutions. We will allow the coaching certificate to be named the following a Christian Life Recovery Coach or a Christian Codependence Coach. If eligible, you can add “clinical” to that title. 

Certified Addiction Counselor

Dual certification

Get the best of both worlds! You can enter into a professional career as a drug and alcohol counselor. The CDAAC is a Christian Drug & Alcohol Counselor, which qualifies you for church and ministry settings. The SUCCA is the Substance Use Disorder Certified Counselor which enables you to work in a certified treatment center. 

Licensed Chaplain & Clinical Chaplain

Bring healing and hope

We offer the pathways to become a licensed chaplain and clinical licensed chaplain through ACADC Institute. If you already have a CDAAC you are eligible for the clinical credential. Through a chaplaincy license you will be able to reach people in jails, recovery facilities. hospitals, churches and other places where recovery is relevant. You will discover the purpose of chaplaincy through your course materials. 

Become a state and Christian certified drug, alcohol and addictions counselor

12 thoughts on “Living Free Training Institute”

  1. How much is the cost to get my certificate as a Christian drug and alcohol counselor..and how fast can I accomplish my certificate

    1. Hi Kyiesha! Yes! I will have new training posted very soon – it won’t be until January, but training will be broken up into a few days. You’ll have the option for coaching or just a portion for workshop leader! Details coming soon!

  2. Maria Cynthia Ortega

    I am interrested like Ms.Stephanie Tucker because I am soooo…blessed with my class with Bret at Bel Air at Zoom meeting for Codependence Class every Sat. from 9-10:30 am. Also, your teaching makes me cry and helps me heal my emotions. I believe I decided what career should I take after so many years. Also, I believed this is going to be a committed career for me. Please pray. Although, the Lord told me that I am going to be Pastor on March 2018. Maybe this is a preparation.

    To God be the Glory!


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