Chapter 10: Applying Redemptive Principles

As we begin to apply solutions to human relationships, God will continue to expose areas in us that need care and attention. This is His love and attention towards us, not His disapproval. That’s because it’s vital we remain purified and teachable when we peer into the relational rooms of our heart. We need the mind of Christ to pursue His resources and His answers to those unresolved relationship issues we carry. This class will offer principles about healing, design, authority and restoration. From it, we will use this “formula” to apply it more specific ways in relationships in the weeks ahead. Some of these principles are spiritual, some of them are practical. But they are a journey of the heart – thus they can never be contained into a box. This is a personal pathway that always requires personalization. If it doesn’t fit, don’t wear it. If it does fit, ask God to show you how to walk into it.  Wherever you are, the journey is lead by the competence and leadership of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit.

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Chapter 10 Outline AHTGB

Chapter 10 Graphic AHTGB


Dear Father,

As I look at what’s broken, give me your hand and heart. Help me not to view relationships through judgement, but compassion. Not by anger, but by wisdom. Prepare my heart to heal without the tendency I have to focus on that other person. Show me the power you hold in my heart and my destiny. I ask that you fuel my heart and my inner world with your love so that I have the resources to grow into your design.

In Jesus name – Amen.


Next week we’ll do interactive work in the rooms of our past. This will be a class and prayer session – so please don’t miss it!

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