Facing Addiction

This class looks at Chapters 1-4 and identifies with the addict and the family members the true nature of addiction. It will cover addiction from a physical, emotional and spiritual perspective, using the framework of God’s love, but His ferocious desire for the addict’s release from bondage. Do you need some additional encouragement? We’ve included some devotionals to coincide.

Please note: These classes were developed for family members at New Life Spirit Recovery, but they apply to anyone going through the dynamic of addiction.

Devotional & Journal

#1. God’s Sovereignty
Read Jeremiah 32:17-20
Dear Lord,
I don’t even know sometimes where I end and the addict’s problem begins. Everything feels stuck together. Help! I don’t want to try to overcome this on my own. It’s too big for me, but Your Word says that NOTHING is impossible for you. You are the God that saves and delivers! You are the God of the Bible, the One who is in control of all things. In your mighty name, I believe you can enter into my situation and meet me at my point of need!

#2. God’s Power
Read Psalm 18
Lord God,
I’m overwhelmed. Addiction has hurt me. is not my enemy, although it has felt that way. The real enemy has tried to destroy us, but you are more powerful! It seems so huge, so impossible to change. I have often seen as the addiction. It’s hard for me to understand that is someone else on the inside in need of help and healing. I cannot deny the hurt and betrayal. I am angry. I am sad. I am confused. Where do I start? How can I begin right now? Please help me! In Jesus Name – Amen

#3. God’s Hope
Read Jeremiah 29:11-14
Dear Father,
I sometimes I feel that I’ve come to the end and there is no hope. Will you help me? Your Word assures me that you have a plan. And right now, I want to take that promise and claim it as my own. I struggle. I am in awe to think that you have set me out as Your own, and that you care deeply about my situation. To think of restoration, however that appears, give me the ability to keep pressing on. Thank you your good plans in my life.
In Jesus name – Amen

#4. God’s Encouragement
Read Luke 17:6
Dear Father,
I don’t have much faith to offer you! Thank you that you don’t require much! I give you the little I have and ask that plant it in my heart. Give my heart the ability to believe in your name. That you and you alone are God. I believe that you can conquer the addiction that has bound my family. I trust that your authority empowers me to claim Your Word as true and all out to you on the basis of the promises you offer to me. Empower me to walk and believe in your name!
In Jesus name – Amen

#5. God’s provision exceeds human circumstances
Read Isaiah 35
Lord God,
I imagine my own life like a desert. We have been hit by a dry and hurtful season. We are parched and afraid of what the future holds. I speak these words in Isaiah over our own life. I claim the river of life will run through us and that you can make flowers blossom in the same place that feels parched now. I believe that you can. Yes, you
are the God of the Bible! The same God that spoke in old times speaks to us right now! Fill us with your power and your peace!
In Jesus name – Amen

#6. God’s faithfulness
Read Hebrews 11
I am calling on you via faith. I do not see the future, nor do I understand how to handle my situations right now. But faith cries out in the middle of the impossible and believes that with You anything is possible. So I take my small faith and present it to you. Go ahead and prove yourself to me! You did if it before, and I trust you can do it now.
In Jesus name – Amen

#7. God is the Author and Creator of Life
Read Genesis 1: 26-31
Dear Father,
You are my Creator. You created the heavens and the earth and everything in it. You made man in your image. You are author. You wrote the manual of life in your Word. Who could ever be higher than you? Who could ever know more than what you told us as truth? Forgive me when I’m lured and seduced by the lie that science knows more than you. You are science. Thank you my Creator and King!
In Jesus name – Amen

#8. Sin is a human malady that destroys us; but God gives us a way out
Read Romans 7:14-25
Dear Lord,
The broken reality of my flesh sometimes is hidden. But other times I recognize the struggle. I oftentimes discount how the body is fallen and how the addict in my life is stuck in bondage to it. Your Word defines that for me. I want to move into many way of explaining behaviors. But the simplicity of the struggle and the solution seem clear. Help me to embrace that. Help me to find the peace and wholeness in my own bodily experience and break the chains off .
In Jesus name – Amen

#9. God is intimately involved in details
Read 139
Dear Father,
You are so intentional. You have created deep and detailed processes in the body, and it’s almost too much for me to comprehend! Turn my fear into awe at who You are. If you are that big, that capable, that detailed, then you are more than worthy of my faith.
In Jesus name – Amen

#10. A war is waged between flesh and Spirit:
Galatians 5:16-26
Dear Father,
My body wages war with my Spirit life. I see this in . It is evident, we are in war. And I’m powerless to overcome on my own strength. How can I begin to find victory? I decree and declare the potency of Your Spirit into my inward experience, and ask that you also take my weaknesses. I am not strong on my own. I am only strong in you.
In Jesus name – Amen

#11. Jesus Wants Us to Know Him as a Person
Read John 1
Dear Lord,
Help me learn to release my tendencies to want to keep as a book of rules and processes alone. The Word is You! You become the Word. The Word is the book I read, but it’s also interacting and engaging with You through relationship. And You, as a person wants access and intimacy with me. You became a human and lived among us in this flesh, and now you live in me. You are full of love and faithfulness amidst the turmoil. I need to know Your Word, but I need You to become a Person that I meet and engage with.
In Jesus name – Amen

#12. The Holy Spirit Comforts & Intercedes for Me!
Read Romans 8:26-30
Dear Father,
How amazing to know the Spirit of God intercedes on my behalf and expresses pain I cannot express! How incredible to know Your involvement right now in what I’m going through. And that You aren’t just empathizing, but creating a redemptive path for me that will somehow, someway use this together for my good. How? I don’t understand it! But Your Word says it, and I choose to believe it.
In Jesus name – Amen

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