The Atmosphere of Change

God invites us into the place where He can perform the work of redemption. We often struggle with our communication and interaction style with God because we misunderstand His character. This class focused on intimacy as the central goal of God’s work in our lives. It also highlighted key aspects of God’s character and how that can get entangled with our own filters. Next sessions will focus on relationships, but when we come back in January, we’ll be focused on addiction, injuries of the heart and the family system in crisis. So if you were hoping to go through more a healing process, we’ll be offering that after January.  Also, we encourage you to perform Bible studies with each class. As you’ll find, there are Bible verses referred to throughout – but those only scratch the surface. As you learn some scripture, please continue to seek truths out until you feel you understand. For example, the concept of Biblical light and darkness cannot be emphasized enough. It’s what the entire principle of relationship and healing is based upon. You can do a word study on light and darkness as it relates to the themes. Remember, seeds can only grow in the light – so understanding our own condition of being in the light is critical for long-term growth.

To download class material click here

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