AHTGB: Chapter 3 Growth



This chapter reminded us of something we often want to bypass: growth must happen, and growth takes time. Usually we enter into recovery and healing with an ideal of an outcome. Certainly God wants to perform that. However, at the very same time we must learn that the building process, just like a physical construction site, has to happen gradually and in sync with the total picture of what God is doing (blueprint). Growth requires more patience than “zaps.”

But it is in the place where we truly allow God to perform what needs to be done on our behalf that we gain access to the miracle of grace. While God is in “process”, we don’t have to be perfect. We can recognize the areas that need changing; we can pray for our part; but He doesn’t require that we get it together overnight. His style and method of building cares about our well-being, and seeks to bring us into the intended design for our lives. Yet, He isn’t bothered by the “messiness” that occurs.

My encouragement to you is to embrace where you at right now, even when it feels uncomfortable. Let the Master Designer of your life work; meticulously, to access what needs to be done and it is a GUARANTEE straight from the Word of God that He will complete what He has begun!

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns”. – Phil 1-6

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Chapter 3 

Next Class: 

Chapter 4: Soul Ties  – very powerful stuff! We will be meeting again on December 4th.

2 thoughts on “AHTGB: Chapter 3 Growth”

  1. This one was so good. I’m a college student going through this and it was touching to hear the truths about submission and simply being God’s child, allowing Him to do the work of growth and maturity through His style of reparenting. We Christian kids are brought up thinking that having all the big theology, going through all the schooling and having all the intellectual information equates to maturity.

    As I walk through recovery, I really hope my friends can get this recovery stuff early too.

    Thank you, Prof. Tucker! God’s been consistently speaking to me through you. Xp

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