Chapter 8: Assessing Intimacy

As we prepare to wrap up the intimacy section of this workbook- we are going to introduce the concept of boundaries of the heart. We house our own “gate system,” and determine how we place relationships into our internal world. Sometimes we have learned to let the wrong people in, and keep the right people out! There are many reasons we get stuck in our systems of intimacy.  I will be reviewing the intimacy charts in this weeks’ class and helping you understanding how to apply these principles practically.

Class notes: (graphic only)

Chapter 8 Notes


Father God,

In the name of Jesus, we ask that you would guide and direct our hearts to see and comprehend how we’ve learned to operate in our relational connections. We acknowledge that we didn’t intentionally make these decisions and we are unable to adapt to a new system without your help. Help us to embrace your heart and know your plans, not to try to adjust to them in our own strength, only to be met with failure. Instead, we choose to focus on being your child, being loved by you, honored by you and being known by you. We want to know you and experience the true purpose and destiny of our life and relationships.   We agree that your ways are good and sacred, and we give you the right and permission to mend in us what’s broken.

In Jesus name – Amen


We will spend two weeks on Redemptive principles – the first week is vital! We will look at a spiritual overlay of redemption and how healing conquers the very root of codependence. Then, we’ll be looking at redemption through practical principles, learning how to  apply these concepts into our relationship in a real and tangible way.



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