Chapter 7: Sacred Rooms of Intimacy

There is no relationship on earth as sacred as marriage. And because of its precious nature, there is no greater assault in our lives than when it is defiled mentally, emotionally, spiritually and sexually. Marriage is designed to display God’s heart like no other relationship can. While there are practical needs to address, and practical skills to understand, the foundations of how marriages were formed will determine the capability for true intimacy to operate. This chapter isn’t designed to discourage you or simply let you see what’s lacking. It’s meant to provide revelation. If your marriage (past or present) lacks intimacy, this will be painful to see. However, in that hurt, we get to encounter the hurt of Jesus and the desperation He presents to us to be in union with Him. We will talk about the pitfalls, the hurts, the imbalances in marriage and lay out the need to pursue the healing. We will also begin to understand the way we have learned to facilitate imbalances and malnourishment in marriage.

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Chapter 7 Outline


Father God,

Show me the operation of marriage in my own life, past, present or future. Show me how marriage was modeled to me. Sift my heart and purify my understanding of marriage through your filter. Where there is hurt, help me to present it you, and yield to your perspective. I submit to the reality that I have no power to fix, change or undo the damage in my marriage, or the marriage of those around me. But you do. Help me. Show me. Purify me. And most of all, prepare my heart to heal.

In Jesus name – Amen.

Coming Up: 

We will be finishing intimacy as we assess how relationships are arranged in our own lives.

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