Chapter 13: Redeeming the Room of Children

We are going to have a conversation about our children! Yes, this is difficult for some of you, but it is the deepest revelation of Father God’s heart. After all, we are first His child before we were ever a parent. Thus, we are looking at these relationships through that filter. The reason we are attaching spiritual protocols and principles to each relationship is because this is how and where true redemption comes from. A practical principle helps. And you made need more skill building and help with communication, boundaries, etc. But the spiritual overlay is what guides us in the heart – it’s where we are able to see relationships through God’s point of view. One of the deepest ways we are intimate with Jesus, is by realizing that our struggles are His struggles; our pain, His pain. And it’s also where we become more and more dependent on Him to help us. Remember, now and forever you are God’s child. And that comes first. Then, you are able to parent from His fervent love. He knows, He sees, He listens, He grieves, He pleads, He cares, He loves, He waits, He wants full access to your children. You are not parenting alone – you are parenting with the King.

If there is a space in your heart dealing with grief or loss in this aspect, I pray that Father God will allow you to feel and grieve through that with Him. Whatever you are going through, give yourself space and the permission to purge it and release it to Father God in the name of Jesus.

Download Notes: 

Chapter 13 Parenting

Chapter 13 Parenting Outline


Lord Jesus,

We lay our children at your feet and ask you to engage first in our own heart – show us and display to us your love for our kiddos. And where we fail, help us acknowledge your Fatherly affection for them. Help us to depend on you through the brutal failures of our own life experience. Help us know that you see and want to breath life into our children even more than we do. They are your children, that we borrowed from you, and give back to you. Give us wisdom and grace to fight for them on your behalf, and love them the way you love them.

In Jesus name – Amen


We will be concluded redemptive principles next week – but we are hardly finished with the content of this material! After next week we look at spiritual warfare (my personal favorite class!). And then we are going to dig deep into boundaries. I’m going to be sharing some fresh materials with you in the weeks ahead.

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