Chapter 11: Healing the Rooms of the Past

What is healing? And how can we be assured that our inward lives, the places we can’t see, are mended? When we are healed – broken pieces are made whole. We no longer feel dragged around and controlled by pain. We can feel joy. We can have hope. Sometimes denial and repression mimic “healing” because that is their job. To keep us from having to feel pain.

This is why we desperately need the spiritual flashlight of the Holy Spirit. We cannot know ourselves like God knows us. Not only is He infinitely wise about our past, but He was there with us – and experienced everything with us. There is no one in this earth that will ever understand your pain more than Him. And it’s only He can orchestrate the process of exposure.

For those that have been wounded, the past can hold painful reminders of neglect, abuse, detachment, loneliness and other heart ache. God would not bring back to a place to torment you. Going to the past has a very important agenda – we go there to cleanse and to close it. This includes:

  1. We cleanse it because it is the reality of pain, violations, anger, resentment and unforgiveness that holds us in bondage. Thus, if we don’t cleanse it, we can’t be released from its influence.
  2. We release it because we can’t change it – we trust that God can use all things together for good – and that in ways we don’t understand, He’ll eventually make things right.
  3. We cleanse and release to remove any legal rights in the spiritual realm that the enemy uses to play off.
  4. Forgiveness – both giving and receiving – is the power tool that enables our heart to be cleansed.
  5. Grief – with God’s help – is the vehicle that enables us to release.
  6. Renouncing – with the authority of Jesus and power of forgiveness – is what eradicates the woundedness in our hearts.

If you haven’t processed pain in your past, or recognized it’s influence on the present – please consider inviting God into it. Ask Him to show and guide you. In this class we’ll learn principles – and then we will pray together over a particular issue of the past that God reveals to you.

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A Prayer to Pray Over your Relationships of the Past: 

Father God,

I present _________________ to you, and I ask that you show me what is happening inside my heart when I think or remember ___________. I ask that you show my heart – my hurt – and what happened that stills wounds me today. I know you would have me move on, I know you would like to release me from it, and so that’s why I’m asking you to reveal. Expose where the hurt hinders my growth – and where I have not forgiven, released or renounced the damage that was done. Open me up to a blessing in the very place where violation occurred. I pray that you, Lord Jesus, would go before me. That your flashlight would guide and that your power would reconcile this area of my heart. I pray for healing – not necessarily in the relationship-  but inside me. If you are restoring this relationship, I pray for wisdom to show me how to carry my own weight and responsibility, and allow the other person to do the same. Give me wisdom, grant me grace and allow me the ability trust you above any earthly dynamic.

In Jesus Name –


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