Chapter 1: The Task of Rebuilding

 Introduction |  Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20

For some of us, it came slamming down. That moment in time where we realized we couldn’t hold it together. We wanted change, we embraced God’s leadership.   For others of us, we reluctantly sought answers, still hanging on for dear life. Wherever we are right now, there are risks involved. Change brings discomfort and sometimes an element of loss. But living inside a home that is fundamentally broken, sliding down a cliff is far more dangerous than allowing our Protector and Healer to take over and seize control. Still, releasing is difficult!

Society tells us that admitting problems is a sign of  weakness. But nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, it is only those who recognize that there is a problem that will gain access to the resources of God’s unique building plans. We can’t simply  “add God to” our current lives – believing there are minor corrections to make. We need our faulty system to be completely dismantled.  That’s why, in a sort of insane irony, the brokenness that seemed to almost destroy us is actually our saving grace.

The task of rebuilding is only offered to those who realize their best efforts have failed. It is the opportunity for an internal construction site to be formed that imprints God’s character into our heart. This isn’t through lists – but by experiencing and knowing the love of God through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

While love conquers all, the “zaps” are not what facilitate a lifetime of growth. This process is not quick and easy – it’s a lifelong journey. In the beginning, we probably are asking for some sort of breakthrough. But in the end, we discover that knowing Jesus – intimately, passionately and deeply, is the breakthrough in and of itself.

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Chapter 1 – Rebuilding  Graphic

Chapter 1 – Rebuilding Outline 


Father God,

I see what hasn’t worked and isn’t working. I want to surrender my life, my will to you, but actually allowing that play out is scary. I want you to come in and bring restoration and healing. I desire a deeper level of grace. But for right now, grant me courage to give you permission. Holy Spirit, I open my hands and heart and invite you into my internal life. I am granting you the right to be the flashlight of my soul. I am allowing you to show me where transformation is necessary. Be gentle enough as to not discourage me, but fierce enough as to not allow the enemy to have his way. I am bought, owned, and under the guidance and leadership of you and you alone! Please, Father, have your way! Keep my heart humble, teachable and always willing to allow you to expose.

In Jesus name – Amen.

Upcoming Homework: 

Read Chapter 2 and take time to meditate and reflect on the principle of grieving and releasing. This is perhaps one of the most important truths and tools you will gain in this process.  The seasons of change can be filled with excitement and hope – but at the very same time – we are letting go. I would encourage you to follow the homework in the workbook on what you are grieving – and refer back to this throughout this process. Remember to tie the Word of God into your daily time with Jesus, but make the activation of the Word in your heart the goal – not the discipline of reading the Word.

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