The Christian Codependence Workshop Fall 2018


Welcome! Thank you so much for joining us for this workshop as we embark on a journey of hope, healing and new beginnings. Codependence isn’t a label, but a mindset that can be overcome. In the next 15 weeks we will explore a self confrontation process of seeing the world from a brand new perspective. This involves twelve different principles that highlight an important area in our hearts and lives.

Click a chapter for the full content and video recording of each class. 

Intro |

Chapter 1 | Facing Codependence

Chapter 2 | Family Systems

Chapter 3 | Emotional Strongholds

Chapter 4 | Love Systems

Chapter 5 | Surrender 

Chapter 6  | Facing Denial

Chapter 7 |  Overcoming the Power of Shame

Chapter 8 |  Receiving Forgiveness

Chapter 9 |  Offering Forgiveness

Chapter 10 | Identity

Chapter 11 | Boundaries

Chapter 12   Balance

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