Chapter 1: Facing Codependence


October 28, 2014

Thank you for the awesome class! Today we looked at the “why” of codependence, the “where” of its origin and the “how” of its removal. Praise God we are not that label, nor do we need to walk under it as though it contains authority. It does not!

I’m keeping these blogs short and sweet this year! I do have random thoughts and comments that I like to share, but I’ll be doing that on facebook. I also love the interaction of hearing from you if you are up to utilizing the facebook forum.

If you aren’t yet on our group, please join us at:

Remember, if you are part of the live webinar, log-in information will remain the same. Also, for our online discussion group it works best if you switch to a phone!

Next week we’ll be reviewing Chapter 2. Please read that and do the chapter homework!

See you next Tuesday!

Audio u0026amp; Video:

[wpvideo rpHQ8zFT]

Download Notes:

To review the class notes that were covered in the class, click here

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