Prayer Workshop


This past week we stopped for a moment from the material and received some tools to be equipped to pray!  While some of us don’t feel “spiritual enough” to pray “right”, we must understand that if we simply pour ourselves before the Lord in such a manner that welcomes Him into our situations, He will move heaven and earth on our behalf. Plugging into prayer isn’t a “how to” list. It is actually plugging into His Person – and being aligned with His character first and foremost. In other words, we don’t receive from a God that is distant and detached – we receive from a God who holds our hand tightly and walks directly into our personal circumstances. A God who is intimately acquainted with our pain and needs. That’s the kind of Jesus we want to get to know and pursue.

I pray that God will bless and keep you as you move through the holidays. I look forward to seeing you again on January 6!

Class Workshop Webinar

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Class Workshop Audio

Class Prayer (Audio only)

Download Notes: 

Power of Prayer

Next class:

We’ll return on January 6 and cover the topic of Shame!

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