Intro to Coda: Chapter 2 – Family Systems


Thank you everyone who participated in today’s class. Our on-site group participants were troopers, and cooperated with our no-parking restrictions. We are so grateful and thankful for the efforts and understanding. Our live discussion group also endured their challenges, but we were able to pull through and it was a really sweet time. I am considering live streaming software options as opposed to a webinar format as we prepare to move to an upgraded facility. I will keep you posted!

Today’s class dealt with the sometime difficult subject but life changing conversation of Family Systems.  We pray that God will minister to each of you individually as you process through this. What’s pressing on my heart is that so many times people have a faulty concept of God the Father. And in seeing Him inaccurately, it’s hard to embrace His plans and purposes for us. Usually this tainted interpretation of His character comes through our parental or other authoritative figures. Thus we impose a human character on top of God. Through healing and recovery, we seek to do the opposite. We allow God to impose Himself on top of the human relationships that have failed us. In doing so, God can begin to prove that He is enough, that He is sufficient, and that He can deal with both our wounds and the areas where we had a need that was unmet.

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Codependence Workshop 2

Next Week:

Read Chapter 3 and prepare the application points for group discussion!

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