Christian Codependence Resources

What is codependence? Learn more.  

Spirit of Life Recovery was founded in 2009 with a focus on codependence ministry. Stephanie Tucker, one of our founding Directors has published several resources on codependence and is widely known for her ability to articulate and communicate truths about gaining freedom from its grip. Stephanie also supervises a team of counselors specially trained in the area of codependence. Our written resources are used and distributed around the world. They are approved and recommended by Focus on the Family ministry along with countless other organizations and well known church ministries.  


What we offer: 

·      Take a codependence quiz and assess your tendencies – Click here

·      Purchase downloadable books – Click here

·      Watch on-demand videos for The Christian Codependence Recovery Workbook (Introduction to Codependence)  – Click here

·      Watch on-demand A House that Grace Built (Advanced Codependence Recovery) – Click here

·      Apply for one on one counseling – Click here

·      Apply for one on one coaching – Click here

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