Chapter 7: Facing Shame


There was a certain show I used to love to watch that had a modern-day Jesus as the theme. It showed how Jesus would talk, interact and deal with people. They tried to illustrate His heart and how He in general viewed people. He was filled with the language of grace, had compassionate affection and never judged people to condemn their behavior. Rather He interacted to reach, restore and heal. I found it to be so accurate to my own understanding of Jesus today. How often He is misrepresented in our head and heart! How often we mistake the voice of the enemy as the voice of God!

Our discussion on shame could seem negative in topic, but actually this class focused on the real nature of God’s redemptive language. The enemy is a liar. He comes to create false messaging and hold into bondage to our sense of being “not good enough.” There are many reasons for being recipients of shame, but no matter its origin God’s goal is eradication. God wants to re-message our lives with life, hope and peace. He wants to become the great “I Am” for our every need, so we are reliant not on ourselves, but on His grace.

On another note, please pray for my husband as he will undergo heart surgery on Tuesday, January 13th. We will have class as usual (I will obviously not be there), and if you are registered you will receive details! Thank you in advanced for your prayers!

Webinar Video:

[wpvideo MpvsBv2e]


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Updated Codependent Workshop 7

Next Class: 

Chapter 8: Receiving Forgiveness

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