Chapter 13: Redeeming the Room of Children

Chapter 13: Redeeming the Room of Children

There may be nothing can break a parent’s heart more than their sense of personal failure. There is nothing that can hurt more than when our relationships with our children are fragmented or torn. Before we try in our own strength to fix what’s broken, we need to first gain a perspective of God’s heart as the Daddy figure in our own lives. Most of us parented out of lack in our own lives; or we parented with obsessive desire to manage our children’s destiny. That’s why we need to see our kids how God sees them; and learn to interact with them how God interacts with us. Above of all, the message revolved around the nature of redemptive love, and the belief that God is capable and able to handle those issues of our children. The biggest issue most of us face in a child’s room is guilt. This class showed us how to take that negative energy and use it productively to fight on behalf of our children rather than succumb to the lies of the enemy. Yes, there is something you can do!

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