Chapter 1: Facing Codependence

Chapter 1: Facing Codependence

What is codependence? Where does it come from? And most important, how do we destroy it in our lives? Usually we seek help when life is working. We feel overwhelmed and run down by trying and failing over and over again. Finding a way to comprehend the “why” of our struggles can come as a relief. Or, it can be totally overwhelming. The message of this workbook isn’t about labeling you, but it’s a way to encourage you that there is more than merely surviving. This class we’ll look up close and personally at the definition of codependence, preparing to understand and be willing to walk into a process of healing.

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Codependence Workshop 1

Download Video: (On Friday)


Next week: 

We will be spending time looking at Chapter 2. This class deals with family system, and you are encouraged to do the homework related to comparing roles in your upbringing to roles in there here and now.

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