Breaking Point Intervention

Meet with a professionally trained intervention specialist

You Can Help Them and Help Yourself Through the Powerful Tools of Intervention

Breaking Point Invention is designed to support and educate families that are dealing with a loved one’s addiction. Many times Christians find it difficult to reach out for support because of the judgement or stigma related to addictions.  As they try to resolve the crisis on their own, they wind up in repetitive cycles that have no end. Breaking Point seeks to be an anchor in the storm to help stabilize the insanity of addiction through a safe and judgement-free atmosphere. We have worked with thousands of families and are committed to helping you understand how you can find support and peace in the midst of the someone’s negative behavior.

We will:

#1. Assess the nature of the crisis. We will seek to hear and assess the direct situation. There is nothing you can tell us or say that will cause us to judge you. Our objective is to help you navigate and understand various options.  If we recognize that you need resources we can’t offer, we’ll provide you direction.

#2. Develop a plan to deal with the crisis. Usually we are working with families trying to manage someone else’s addiction – substance abuse, sex addiction, gambling, anger, etc. We will focus on intervention planning and help you understand your role.

#3. Develop a plan for your next step. Once you gain some perspective on crisis, you may need to move onto other resources. We will help you sort that out. However, we will in no way tell you what to do or force you into making decisions – we are hear to guide, with the help of the Holy Spirit. You make the choices.

Common Questions

How do I know if this crisis is severe?

The decision to intervene and begin to establish boundaries can be painstaking. There is no “how to” guide to get things under control. However, by understanding what you are dealing with, you can begin to gain sanity and peace. This will allow you to make guided decisions that could cause breakthrough in the addict’s life as well as your own.

Some questions to ask yourself. 

  1. Can I continue to live with this addiction?
  2. Have I tried numerous times to change them without success (drugs, alcohol, sexual addiction, anger, gambling, etc.)?
  3. Has their addiction affected my own health and well being significantly?
  4. Have I ever found myself compromising what I know is right?
  5. Is there a chance this addiction could harm or even kill them?
  6. Am I dealing with the “real” _______________ (name the person struggling) or has the addiction replaced who they are?
  7. Am I ready to make changes, even if uncomfortable?

Is there a fee?

Breaking Point is a ministry of Spirit of Life Recovery- it is donation based, not fee-based. We request a donation of $50/hour session. We recommend a total of 4 sessions, with a 2-hour assessment.

Do you do the intervention for my family member?

In most cases we will not actually do an intervention. We will assess the situation and determine the best approach. If a situation arises that we would be able to perform an intervention, it would be an entirely separate process. Breaking Point prepares you with a plan.

How do I sign up? 

Registration can be filled out by click here.

Who will contact me? 

Expect to be contacted by a counselor within 24-hours.

Who is the person I would be working with? 

Tina Pomroy runs our Breaking Point program. She is a clinical chaplain, a professional christian counselor and has worked in the addiction field for eight years, helping hundreds of families through this process.  

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