AHTGB Chapter 6: Learned Intimacy Styles


Welcome back! We entering into the intensity of intimacy styles. My experience has been that discussing this subject can be painful. I don’t say that to discourage, but rather to set reasonable expectations. However, I also feel that being able to diagnose this area establishes how God can heal us directly at our point of need. In working in a treatment/recovery arena for ten years, I can honestly say these issues are what hurt the heart the most. They are also the very places where God injects His solution and loving intents into our lives. By recognizing God’s purposes, and by seeing our own breakdowns, we can begin to place the overlay of grace on top. At this point, we don’t need to try to fix anything other than let the Holy Spirit give us a heart understanding of our needs.

I went back to this Jesus picture because I feel that He wants to rescue each one of us as a child. This is such a beautiful picture of the nurturing that can be done as we place our hope and trust in Him. Remember, in childhood we were vulnerable and couldn’t make choices for ourselves. That’s why understanding how the “child” in us was injured is so important. Eventually we will go into those places of hurt and actually let Jesus bring a remedy.

I know it’s deep. I know it might hurt. But it will be worth it.

The next two weeks I’ll be away as we are preparing for my husband’s surgery on Tuesday. Prayerfully, I will be able to maintain a recording for those who follow along. If there is a delay, rest assured it will be caught up with in the near future. Our live class and webinar will remain in tact. You’ll be hearing from two amazing ladies these next few weeks!

May God bless and keep you in His goodness and grace.

Webinar Video

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Chapter 6 Intimacy Inner Court

Next week:

Chapter 7

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