AHTGB Chapter 13: Rooms of Children

We completed Chapter 13 last week as we looked at the realities of facing the rooms of our children. Above of all, the message revolved around the nature of redemptive love, and the belief that God is capable and able to handle those issues of our children. The biggest issue most of us face in a child’s room is guilt. This class showed us how to take that negative energy and use it productively to fight on behalf of our children rather than succumb to the lies of the enemy. Yes, there is something you can do!


To watch the video: (please note in the e-mail this will be blank, but it is posted on the blog post)



To listen to audio: (please note in the e-mail you this will be blank, but it is posted on the blog post)

Download Notes: 

Chapter 13 Parenting Rev 2

What’s Next?

Chapter 14, which is where this ALL comes to together !

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