Welcome to the 2014 Live Workshop and Webinars


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We kicked off a new workshop today, and it was a huge blessing for me after having had taken a year off. I was reminded of the great honor and privilege to be able to be on this journey with beautiful ladies (and men) who with great courage seek to find the fullness of Gods’ design. God did new things in me this past year, and I can’t wait to share more as we go along. If there is anything I can say about the process itself, it’s not the function of it. The process of recovery assists like a tool, but only the Author of change and transformation can put into motion all the things we will be learning. You might think of it like a refrigerator. It is engineered and designed with precision and detail to produce the job of housing cold food.  But if the connection to the refrigerator is lost, all those designs are lost with it. Even though it still has the capability of its function, it is in desperate need of a power source to activate that purpose.

In codependence, we oftentimes lost God’s design not because we willfully disobeyed Him, but our connection got muddled. We were dealing with crisis, hurt, injuries and problems around us. People became big, and God became small.  Even as we tried to go through life and Christianity in a functional manner, our connection had interferences and therefore we weren’t able to live by God’s design. Neither could we attain the resources that connection provides: a sense of purpose, love, joy, peace and wholeness. But despite that, our original design is still attainable! We are children of God! We are sons and daughter of the Most High King! Codependence will not define us. Rather, it is the interference system that must leave so we can be reestablished as intended. If there was something in this world that exceeded God’s power, how terrible would it be. But no matter your circumstances, you must believe that since He’s bigger, His resources can outweigh our problems.

If you feel ready and willing to pursue this process, think of it as your chance to fully “plug in” to the activating power of God. God will not minimize, diminish or ignore the reality of our difficult situations. He will validate the injuries of our heart.  But His purpose in taking us through the journey is to allow His light to expose and reveal the things that kept us from being free. From there, He wants to remove what isn’t of Him, and replace it with what He intended.  And most of all, He wants us to experience genuine love.

A Prayer

Lord Jesus,

I ask you to search me and know me. I ask you show me the things that have been hidden from my eyes that have hurt me – things I wasn’t even aware of. I ask that you would reveal yourself to me personally and deeply. I ask for vision to see life through your point of view. I lay down the methods of survival I have adapted to, and choose today to say “no, there’s more than this!” It is not normal for me to live without your promises activated.  Help me grow in faith to rise above the circumstances and be willing to look at you, to believe in you and to trust you. I’m ready to begin.

In Jesus name – Amen


This week please read Chapter 1 and answer all application questions.

Next live class:

Tuesday, March 11th at 9:30 am

Topic: Chapter 1: Facing Codependence


6 thoughts on “Welcome to the 2014 Live Workshop and Webinars”

    1. Hey Gale! We finished Chapter 1 today, but you can jump on in. All you need to do to get started is a get a copy of the book The Christian Codependence Recovery Workbook: From Surviving to Significance, and begin to go through it with us week to week. I will send you out an e-mail with the updates on it. You can listen to the recording of our class today! Each week, we have a short teaching, prayer and then you can dial in a phone conference line to participate in a group discussion. This week we had around 12 people. All the information you need will be posted on this blog – so just make sure to get the updates and you’ll be set! I will additionally sent you log in information to prepare for the webinar. Many blessings – I am praying for you and look forward to having you in the group. Also, here’s the link to join our facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/codependenceworkshops/425453650877968/?notif_t=like

  1. Hi Stephanie, Am I too late to sign up for this workshop? I just received my book in the mail today and didn’t realize until now that there was a workshop.

    1. Absolutely you can join! You can catch up on the first two class on this blog. Chapter 1 class was posted today, and the Introduction testimonies were posted underneath. We meet on Tuesdays at 9:30 on the Pacific Coast time. We have a 20-30 minute teaching, prayer time and then small groups. The webinar has a telephone conference option which is awesome. It’s run just like a group, only everyone is their phone sharing from their remote location. If you can’t make it live, recorded class are offered. You can join our facebook group to connect with others. https://www.facebook.com/groups/codependenceworkshops/425453650877968/?notif_t=like. If you want to be included on an e-mail list to personally get to know others, I have that available as well. That’s a lot I know, but I want to catch up to speed! So welcome, so glad for the timing!

      1. Thank you for the information. I wish I could attend the webinar and phone conference Tuesday mornings, but I am at work during that time. I appreciate being able to watch the webinar later though. I’ve done the first two chapters of the workbook and am so grateful for all that I’m learning. Thank you and have a great week! 🙂

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