Week 1: Introduction to Codependence

Week 1: Introduction to Codependence

Welcome! We are going to be on a journey for the next 15 weeks. I’m so excited to have you join along, and I hope this workshop will be a safe place where you can come as you are. This is an introductory class that will highlight and introduce the principles of codependence. We will look into detail the “why” of the term codependence and place it under a Biblical formula. Please bring your questions, as we will have a group discussion following the teaching.

Each week I’ll upload the notes so you can review them before or during class. Please know, I usually don’t follow my notes, so I give them away now just as a supplement.

Every class I teach is fresh and new, and I’m always honored by the people He brings and the stories I hear. I love how God personalizes each class to meet the needs presented.

I also want you to know that I’ll be praying, asking, seeking and interceding on your behalf – whether or not we talk or chat.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let me know at stephanie@newlifespiritrecovery.com

Download Notes:

Introduction Session Notes

Download Video

Please click here to access this week’s video!

[vimeo_video url=”vimeo_video url=”https://vimeo.com/292384566″ autoplay=”false”]


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I also love to share music, or relevant videos. So this week, I want to share this new and favorite song!

[yt_video url=”https://youtu.be/3U4Q2R7ZZAE” autoplay=”false”]

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