Health & Wellness

shich one

Held on location New Life Spirit Recovery
Available On-site or Via Webinar!

Led by Becky Sanislo, CDAAC

Week 1 Class Information

Week 2 Class Information

Week 3 Class Information

Week 4 Class Information

Spirit of Life Recovery offered a four-week seminar this past summer on how to care for our physical bodies, our health and embrace nutritional guidelines that are relative and conducive to recovery. Becky Sanislo, our health and wellness expert at New Life Spirit Recovery taught this class! It was packed full of awesome information, and looked at food from a biblical perspective. Becky addressed the realities of our physical needs, while at the same time helped people to understand the emotional and spiritual roots that drive any form of addiction, including food addiction.

This class offered some basic understanding of a whole food lifestyle, but did not replace or represent a physician or medical practitioner. This is not meant to replace your personal doctor’s advice!

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