Chapter 9: Offering the Gift of Forgiveness


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There is perhaps no concept more important than learning to forgive others from the heart. The challenge is that often we are taught to forgive, without the context of understanding how wrong and awful violations are. When we can’t process the pain and be allowed the gift of grief, we feel as though our injuries caused by other people are supposed to be accepted. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The reality is that Jesus calls us to a lifestyle of forgiveness because if will lead us to a lifestyle of freedom. He knows that when we forgive we usurp the power of satan. But never for a moment must we be asked to accept the sin “didn’t matter,” or was somehow “okay.” It is not. Jesus bled and died viciously because sin is that awful. Thus, as we face out violators, we can be assured that Jesus sees what they did to us as harsh as he sees the cross. But just the same, he asks us to take the blood of calvary and apply it to those areas of wounds. It is a sure way to determine we can live a life in freedom and can be loosed from the chains of shame.

Keep in mind as you approach this topic that forgiveness doesn’t constitute reconciliation. Sometimes we forgive someone we’ll never talk to again. Other times we forgive, but set healthy boundaries as to not allow that violation in the future. And sometimes, for more uncommonly, we forgive someone who mutually desires restoration.

While this is a tough subject, it is the pathway of freedom. As always, if you feel stuck, overwhelmed or need additional support, please contact us for additional resources.

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