Chapter 6: Learned Intimacy Styles
Understanding the basic intimacy styles that were introduced into our lives is helpful in gaining insight into our current relationship styles. It’s not that intimacy styles are set in stone. In fact, as we will move on through this process we discover that God has the tools and resources to deal with any deficiencies or missing needs we experienced in our early upbringing through adulthood. Thus, He is absolutely able to teach us new ways to prepare for intimacy. In this chapter we are merely assessing and looking to honor the precious design of each relational role. A clear separation process must occur continually through this process as we seek to validate and honor God’s design, while realistically understanding how those designs are flawed in our lives. We furthermore will learn that God will not condone or allow us to remain in the victim mindset, but will lovingly and kindly prepare our hearts to apply a remedy into each relationship situation.
This is difficult material if you are dealing with challenging relationships. Please keep in mind if you are in an abusive relationship, you need help. If at any point, you feel overwhelmed be sure to seek support from a friend or counselor.