Coming This Fall!
Hello everyone!
It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to write about a class or event, but Fall is already here and we want to share some exciting new things we are offering at Spirit of Life. As many of you know, healing, recovery and life happens in seasons. We gain insight, tools and resources into our hearts and grow up in one area, and before you know it, God has more for us to explore, more for us to gain, more ways to grow in grace and truth. Honestly, it never, ever ends!
Many years ago when I first met my husband he had a small recovery church that met weekly. It was astonishingly simple. In this setting we talked about a Biblical principle from the Word, shared our own life experience, and learned to be honest about the struggles in our heart. I was hooked. While I had encountered Jesus personally, I had never experienced anything like this in a group dynamic. This setting took me out of the bounds of my comfort but brought me into a life calling! I am passionate that this is how we get healing – in the safety and honesty of community!
Our program and ministry has since evolved and ten years into it we’ve been able to witness the beautiful and life transforming experience of men and women when honesty, redemption and God’s truth merge. Bob and I have branched out in different ways. He now trains counselors and operates our treatment program. I have facilitated codependence workshops and a family program. But we never were able to recreate that same type of meeting until now.
Thrive Night is going to allow us to facilitate a group together – where we will be focusing on redemption and healing from the struggles, losses, and issues of our heart – focusing on growth and connection as it relates to God and each other. We want the entire family to be involved when possible – and we are excited that our own family be doing Thrive together, including my two girls, Arianna and Isabella in our children’s program.
There is hope, healing and restoration available in Jesus when His truth, His power and the gift of authenticity come together. If you feel dry, need to be encouraged, come! We are real people with real issues who have encountered a real God. We aren’t perfect! We get messy to get beautiful – so please don’t “dress up” – come as you are! We will pray for you, love you and encourage you in your walk with Jesus. Connection groups are optional, but we pray you will participate.
This group is starting at a our office (it will eventually move). Because space is limited, please register or pop us an e-mail and let us know you’ll be coming! Childcare is available with advanced registration for kids 5 and up – and we will be having a child recovery program later this Fall. Live streaming options will be available.
That’s not it, we also have a codependence recovery workshop being taught by Lynne, and I am starting the Biblical Family Recovery Coaching program too. To learn all about this and apply/register for any of these program, click here!
Do you have an interest in being involved in children’s ministry? (Age 5-11) Do you want to be involved in another way? Please let me know! E-mail [email protected]
With blessings and grace,
Stephanie Tucker