Devotional: Overcoming Rejection

I will never leave you nor forsake you – Hebrews 13:5


Wrought by the fear of rejection, I lived a life imprisoned by who I wasn’t. I compiled lists and reasons why people should reject me again. I recycled pain. I lost myself in relationships. The harder I tired to overcome the reasons I was unworthy, the more I seemed to attract the people that would that would affirm my broken parts.

I didn’t know the problem, nor did I know how to fix it. But while others hurt me, it was my own lack of value that left me defeated. It was my own pain that caused rejection to be birthed over and over again.

But the grace of my Father’s love found me. He unburied the treasure of my own identity, of who I am. He placed infinite value on me, He defined my worth. He healed my wounds and filled me with grace.

So today, I declare that my past doesn’t dictate my future. I am not a reflection of other people. And I am not disqualified in life. I am enough. I am enough for my Savior’s favor, enough for the merits of His love and grace. I am enough to walk through my life calling and to live out my purpose in relationships. I am enough to be a part of God’s Kingdom and to be called His child. This isn’t because of what I’ve done. This isn’t because I somehow arrived. It’s because the very deepest place of my soul has been loved.

I look to heaven and declare my cleanliness, my royalty, my position. It is a settlement in my Spirit where I no longer wage war with the broken things inside me. I have peace and I found safe.

Meditation Point: Moving Towards Hope

I am okay when I know that I’m loved. People’s rejection cannot steal the acceptance my Father has granted to me. I am going to make it. I am going to live my life. I am going to find my purpose. 

When I’m Struggling with Rejection:

Father God,
Rejection has left me scorned and wounded. Sometimes I try to earn myself out of rejection, other times I let it win. I fear that people will reject me again. I need help. I need you to define my worthiness. I need your heart to engulf me and lift me from the shallowness of human judgment and drive me straight into our heart.
In Jesus name – Amen

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