Devotional: Finding Safe

He rescued me because He delighted in me. – Psalm 18:19

My world was not safe. I was not safe. I could not stand protected because protection failed me. I could not trust in people, because people hurt me. So I built a shield around my heart and became the guardian of who I would let inside. Within the shield, I grew sick. I kept people out and let no-one in, including God. I felt lonely, isolated, and detached from my external persona. Who I was on the outside and who I protected on the inside lived in separate realities. 

It was desperation that brought me to my knees. It was a place of brokenness that revealed my lack of strength. I did not have the right resources to fix what was wrong, I could not find safety.  But the Father’s love approached the steel walls I had built and asked to be invited inside. He didn’t bring a hammer or a blow torch. He came with explosive love – with unquenchable desire. He brought with Him tenderness, gentleness and kindness. He came with healing in His hands. At first, I denied Him access. But then as those walls began to cave, I felt the light pour in. 

The author of Light who formed me in my Mother’s womb is the One who Rescued and Protects me. The One who knows me and orders all things in my life, is in charge of my steps. He sets an army in front and behind me, He declares victory over my soul. He creates His own fortress in my heart and make my stronghold safe in His arms. 

Meditation Point: Hope to Move Towards

I don’t need to be fearful because I’m protected. I’m not afraid because I’m loved. If He knows each step I will take, what can I fear?  I am safe because He’s with me. If He’s for me, who can be against me? 

When I am Struggling with Fear

Father God, 

I yearn for safety. I cannot find it. I look to explore how you work. How you move inside me. But I haven’t arrived. My world is still unsafe. I am still caught in spirals and cycles. I want to know that sense of your protection. I ask you to draw me to you. Break through my own protection and be the power and love that I seek. I ask you to expose my fear. I ask that you help me to understand why it exists. I ask you to reveal my doubt, and I ask for love to set me free. 

In Jesus name – Amen 

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