Devotional: Facing Fear

Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. – 1 John 4:8

I had rehearsed a story in my mind of what was to come. I believed that danger, that threat, that another crisis was looming on the horizon. It was a story I had read. An ending that range true.  That when I needed someone, no one would be there. That when the moment of trial came, I’d be left alone. So I prepared my heart. I shut down and locked in. I let hardness settle on my soul. Sometimes I grew angry, sometime I felt lost. I was looking to defend, always looking to save myself. I was more lost than I knew, more broke than I could see.

But when Safety swept me into His arms, He granted me perspective. Rather than a story that ended in loss, and an image that spoke of the dark place, He birthed in me His wonderful grace. Grace wasn’t my ability or strength, but His comfort in my storm. I didn’t arrive on safe ground to feel safe, but His hands made me safe.  He collected my tears and placed them in a bottle. He looked after them as if they were His own. He comforted my pain. At first, I didn’t want to be fixed, I only wanted to be seen. I didn’t want to have to change for Him, I only wanted to be loved by Him. He knew what I needed. He saw who I was.

He writes the ending of the story. He restores my soul. I am not a mistake to hide, but a treasure to find. I am not a product of injury, but an intentional design of a Loving Father. What has been, is not what is to come. The future will be better than the past.  Life is not a battle to fight, but a gift to receive.

Meditation Point: Moving Towards Hope

I am safe because I’m known. I am safe because His power lives within me.

When I’m Struggling with Fear

Father God,

My mind and heart are surrounded by fear. Like a messenger of danger, I fear what lies ahead. You have promised to love me, you have told me of your goodness. Like water, I need to drink of what you can provide. Like nourishment to a starving soul, I need to know who you are. Reveal to me your heart. show me who you are and who I am in your sight. Prepare my heart to know you. Rise above my fear and give me your perspective.

In Jesus Name – Amen

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